The Daily Press Briefing

Statements made by
the Ministry for Europe
and Foreign Affairs

Paris - September 12, 2017
In this issue:

◢  Venezuela / Meeting between Jorge Arreaza Montserrat, Minister of Foreign Affairs – Statement by Jean-Yves Le Drian (Paris - September 12, 2017)

◢  European Union – Visit by Nathalie Loiseau to the European Parliament (Strasbourg - September 12-13, 2017)

◢  Egypt – Attack (September 11, 2017)

◢  North Korea – Adoption of resolution 2375 (September 11, 2017)

◢  UN

◢  Syria

Venezuela / Meeting between Jorge Arreaza Montserrat, Minister of Foreign Affairs – Statement by Jean-Yves Le Drian (Paris - September 12, 2017)

I received my Venezuelan counterpart, Jorge Arreaza Montserrat, today, for a frank and constructive meeting. I expressed to him France's deep concern at the political, economic and humanitarian situation in Venezuela. I reiterated to him the risk of European sanctions and the need for the Venezuelan government to swiftly provide concrete signs of its willingness to relaunch negotiations with the opposition within the framework of a sincere and credible process.

I was happy to learn that dialogue with the opposition would resume tomorrow in the Dominican Republic under the auspices of President of the Dominican Republic Danilo Medina and former Spanish Prime Minister, President José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. This is good news, which I hope will swiftly result in concrete gestures on the ground.

I reiterated to my counterpart that France, in collaboration with the EU and the Latin American countries, remained vigilant, but was ready to support this dialogue - the only way to resolve the crisis, the main victims of which are the Venezuelan people.

European Union – Visit by Nathalie Loiseau to the European Parliament (Strasbourg - September 12-13, 2017)

Nathalie Loiseau, Minister for European Affairs, will visit Strasbourg on September 12 and 13 for the plenary session of the European Parliament.

She will attend the State of the Union address at the European Parliament delivered by Jean-Claude Juncker on September 13. This annual speech provides an opportunity to review the work of the EU executive and present a general outline of the European Commission's proposals for the coming year. This is an important moment in the democratic life of the EU.

The minister for European affairs will meet in Strasbourg with the chairs of the three parliamentary groups: Manfred Weber, Chair of the EPP Group, Guy Verhofstadt, Chair of the ALDE Group, and Gianni Pitella, Chair of the S&D Group, as well as with the French MEPs, Members of the Constitutional Affairs Committee. A meeting is also planned with Pedro Silva Pereira, Co-Rapporteur on the report on the composition of the European Parliament, which was presented on September 11 in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs.

Nathalie Loiseau will meet with Jean Arthuis, Chair of the Committee on Budgets. A working dinner with the chairs of the French delegations to the European Parliament will provide an opportunity to discuss current issues, including the report on the composition of the European Parliament. In his speech in Athens on September 8, President Macron discussed ways to conduct a democratic reform of the European Union, including the creation of transnational lists.

Egypt – Attack (September 11, 2017)

France condemns the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of several members of the Egyptian security forces near El Arish in northern Sinai on September 11.

We extend our condolences to the bereaved and wish the injured a speedy recovery.

While Egypt and its security forces are paying a heavy toll in the fight against terrorism, France reaffirms its wholehearted solidarity with the Egyptian people and authorities.

North Korea – Adoption of resolution 2375 (September 11, 2017)

France welcomes the Security Council's unanimous adoption, on September 11, of resolution 2375, which strengthens sanctions against North Korea.

Resolution 2375 freezes the assets and imposes a travel ban on an individual and three new entities. It contains substantive measures expanding sanctions to additional sectors of the North Korean economy: It prohibits the import of textiles produced in North Korea, bans gas exports, and sets a limit on the exports of petroleum products and crude oil to that country. It also strengthens the possibility of inspecting ships on the high seas. Finally, it strengthens prohibitions on employing North Korean workers abroad and demands the closing of joint ventures with North Korea, with certain exceptions determined by the Security Council.

In view of the regional and international security threat represented by the continuation of North Korea's nuclear and ballistic programs in violation of Security Council resolutions, a firm and united response by the international community is necessary to preserve the non-proliferation regime and prevent escalation.


Does France plan on attending the September 18th meeting in New York called by Donald Trump to pressure the UN to reform itself? And will it sign the political declaration planned for that meeting?

We will be interested to hear the American president's proposals on UN reform at this open meeting.

The major global challenges the international community is facing together with respect to peace and security, sustainable development, and human rights, require all of us to mobilize to strengthen the multilateral system and the effectiveness of the UN.

In this regard, we fully support the efforts of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and will continue to work to that end with our principal partners in New York.


Russia is calling on the UN and the international community to help rebuild Syria and to provide more humanitarian aid for civilian populations. Do you think the Syrian government and Russia have checked off all the boxes required by France to move forward?

Access to humanitarian aid for civilian populations in need is an absolute necessity and one of France's demands in its dialogue on Syria with all of its partners.

We will continue our dialogue with Russia to ensure the safe, complete, unconditional and unhindered delivery of aid.

As for reconstruction, France and its European partners have expressed themselves clearly. There can be no sustainable reconstruction without clear political prospects and without the return of refugees and displaced populations. These conditions have not yet been met.

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