The Daily Press Briefing

Statements made by
the Ministry for Europe
and Foreign Affairs

Paris - October 14, 2021
In this issue:

◢  Malaysia – Conversation between Franck Riester and Minister of International Trade and Industry Dato' Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali (October 14, 2021)

◢  Uruguay – Conversation between Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne and the Deputy Foreign Minister (October 13, 2021)

◢  European Union – United Kingdom

◢  Lebanon

Malaysia – Conversation between Franck Riester and Minister of International Trade and Industry Dato' Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali (October 14, 2021)

Franck Riester, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade and Economic Attractiveness, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, is speaking today with Mr. Azmin Ali, Malaysia's Minister of International Trade and Industry.

They will discuss the French and European engagement in the Indo-Pacific, a priority of the French presidency of the Council of the European Union. They will talk about our two countries' common efforts to ensure the success of the Twelfth WTO Ministerial Conference as well as trade relations between the EU, ASEAN and Malaysia.

The ministers will examine concrete ways to increase trade and cross investments between our two countries, especially in light of the United Kingdom's departure from the EU. They will exchange views on the prospects for a partnership to accelerate our economies' energy transition and expand our digital industries.

Uruguay – Conversation between Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne and the Deputy Foreign Minister (October 13, 2021)

Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Minister of State for Tourism, French Nationals Abroad and Francophonie, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, spoke yesterday with Carolina Ache Batlle, Deputy Minister of Foreign Relations of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay. Their conversation was part of the regular contact we maintain with Uruguay, illustrated in particular by the visit to France by Minister of Foreign Relations Francisco Bustillo in December 2020 and the bilateral meeting with the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

Mr. Lemoyne emphasized the excellence of Uruguay's Covid-19 vaccination campaign, as well as the high caliber of our political dialogue, based on a shared vision of multilateralism and the defense of the rule of law and human rights, especially in Latin America. The two officials shared their concerns over the crises in Venezuela and Nicaragua.

During this conversation, they reviewed our bilateral cooperation efforts and their prospects for the future, especially in the areas of science (partnership with the Pasteur Institute in Montevideo), higher education and language (program to teach French in elementary schools). Mr. Lemoyne and Ms. Ache also discussed stepping up our economic cooperation and trade in the area of the environment and renewable energies, particularly green hydrogen.

Finally, Mr. Lemoyne reiterated the importance France attributes to the International Organisation of Vine and Wine, and warmly thanked Uruguay for its support for moving the organization's headquarters to Dijon.

European Union – United Kingdom

Regarding the negotiations on the Northern Ireland Protocol, does the French Government believe the problem of access to British waters for fishing is linked to the hardening of Britain's stance on the Protocol?

The two issues are the focus of discussions between the European Union and the United Kingdom regarding its commitments.

We are encountering unacceptable difficulties when it comes to the issuing of fishing licenses, contrary to the pledges made by the British authorities. We've asked the European Commission to respond firmly and proportionately, including with regard to possible retaliatory measures.

Regarding the Northern Ireland Protocol, we welcome the package announced by the Commission, which builds on the constructive approach the EU has been taking for several months, making concrete proposals in response to the concerns expressed by citizens and businesses in Northern Ireland. It’s now up to the UK to seize this opportunity.


Do you have any comment on Lebanon's suspension of the investigation into the explosion of August 4, 2020?

France notes its deep concern over recent obstacles to the smooth unfolding of the investigation into the explosion in the port of Beirut on August 4, 2020, and the violence that has taken place in that regard. It calls on all parties to ease tensions.

France has supported every phase of the investigations into the explosion at the port and responded to all the requests it has received in connection with the Lebanese investigation. It will continue to do so. The Lebanese justice system must be able to work independently and impartially on this investigation, without obstacles and with the full support of the Lebanese authorities. The Lebanese people expect all light to be shed on the explosion at the port. They are entitled to the truth.

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United States
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