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Anniversary of the Libyan revolution

Published on February 21, 2012
Statement by Alain Juppé, Ministre d’Etat, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs

Paris, February 17, 2012

France pays tribute to the first anniversary of the Libyan revolution. Over the past year, the Libyan people have put an end to Gaddafi’s dictatorship and begun building a democratic and peaceful state based on the rule of law. France pays tribute to the courage and dignity of the Libyan people, who fought with unfailing determination to win their freedom.

France has stood resolutely alongside the Libyan people since the start of the revolution. She will remain alongside them throughout the new Libya’s transition and reconstruction phase. A great deal has already been achieved since the country’s liberation on 23 October 2011, but there’s still a long way to go.

The Libyan authorities pledged to organize the first free elections in Libya’s history by 23 June 2012. They’ve already managed to establish a legal and institutional framework within the agreed timeframe. France is providing institutional support for the electoral process in order for it to take place in an atmosphere of national reconciliation among all Libyans.

Violence and abuses are still being perpetrated in Libya, particularly in the illegal detention centres and against certain ethnic minorities.

That’s why, at my request, Human Rights Ambassador M. François Zimeray went to Libya last November. He visited two detention centres and two camps for refugees and displaced people. The Libyan authorities are aware of the situation and have started to take measures to end the breaches observed. Continuing on this path is vital for building a state based on the rule of law.

Alongside the UN and the EU, France is committed to providing the Libyan people with all the assistance they need, while respecting their sovereignty. She has confidence in the new Libya’s ability to overcome the many challenges posed by the democratic transition and reconstruction so that the values and principles on which the revolution was based can be realized./.